
Do you have questions about the Master of Science in Data Analytics in Business (MS-DAB) graduate program in SPU’s 商业、政府和经济学院? 检查 MS-DAB网站 查找有关该计划的详细信息, 下面是一些常见问题的答案. 如果你想亲自问别人问题, 请致电206-281-2753与网易彩票app的研究生顾问/协调员联系.




  • 以道德和价值观为基础的课程. 利用网易彩票app的基督教传统,网易彩票app强调 以道德为基础,服务于共同利益 早在这种做法流行之前. We emphasize meaningful purpose in business, and serving others: customers, employees, and community.
  • 小班授课. You’ll get to know faculty and fellow students in our personal and interactive learning environment. 老师关心的是你作为一个人,作为一个专业人士.
  • 高质量的. 这是一个 完全认可,学术严谨,具有挑战性的项目. It is taught by qualified faculty and representatives from industry with substantial in-the-field expertise. 网易彩票app的压力 应用学习.
  • 连通性. 你将与同龄人、校友和商业社区导师建立联系.
  • 灵活性. You can start in any quarter, and you can proceed at a pace that fits with the demands on your life.


DAB学生的平均GMAT成绩为587分,GRE考试成绩为299分,3分.平均绩点33,四年工作经验,专业背景多元. 大多数人在各种各样的公司或非营利组织全职工作. 由学生代表的公司包括亚马逊, 波音公司, 微软, 诺德斯特姆, 惠普(hewlett - packard), 一家名叫Paccar, 同意技术, 摄政蓝盾, Premera, 及世界宣明会.


是的. 成立于1916年, AACSB — Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business International — is the oldest and most prestigious business school accrediting body in the world. Fewer than 40 percent of North American business schools have attained this accreditation.


网易彩票app的 行政顾问委员会 将网易彩票app与普吉特海湾的商界联系起来. 的 导师计划 将学生与商务人士一对一配对. 商业领袖作为嘉宾演讲, 团队项目的来源, 并就该领域的发展和雇主的期望向该项目提供建议.


We offer career and professional development opportunities including career counseling, 求职指导, 恢复发展, 工作坊及研讨会, 网络事件, 和指导. 就业机会张贴在 握手 在SPU的职业和职业中心.


的 length of the program depends on the number of pre-DAB classes satisfied by undergraduate coursework and potential transfer credits from previous graduate-level coursework. 的 table below describes the length of the program for students who register for three, 六个, 或者九个学分. 此表不针对任何可能适用的先前课程进行调整.





 半场  3 17  4 1/4
 全职  6 9 2 1/4
 全职  9 6 1 1/2
课程总时长为45个学分. 看到 目录 政策.


Courses are scheduled to accommodate students with active work schedules Hybrid courses use a mix of Zoom and in-person sessions. Online classes have a synchronous Zoom meeting one evening per week in addition to their asynchronous learning elements.



是的,你最多可以选修两门dab前的核心课程. 作为一个资格预审的学生, you must have had at least one year of continuous full-time work experience after completion of an undergraduate 学位 with a 3.0的绩点. 网易彩票app也提供 毕业证书 在网络安全和数据分析方面为那些不寻求学位的人.


我在另一所大学修过一些dab预科课程. 这符合课程要求吗?

市场营销基础课程, 信息系统, and statistics (9 credit hours) cover basic business concepts that must be understood to achieve the program’s objectives. Many students have covered some or all of this subject matter in an undergraduate program. 在下列情况下, coursework completed at the undergraduate level prior to admission to the program may fulfill one or more pre-DAB courses.

  • If you earned a bachelor’s 学位 within seven years* of admission to the program that included courses covering the same body of knowledge as foundations courses:
    • Courses in which you earned a minimum grade of B may fulfill foundations courses with comparable content.
    • A course taken for pass/no credit cannot fulfill a foundations course requirement.
  • If you completed a bachelor’s 学位 more than seven years prior to admission to the program, 或者本科成绩在B以下但不低于C+的:
    • 你可以参加这门课的能力考试.
    • Competency tests must be completed within the year following your date of admission to the program.
    • 如果胜任能力考试成功完成, 适用的基础课程将被视为完成.
    • 如果你没有成功完成能力考试, 你必须修研究生课程或通过考试取得学分, 为此需要支付学费和考试费用.


You must apply as a new applicant and submit the required documents, including GMAT或GRE考试成绩. Students attending another AACSB-accredited DAB program may potentially transfer up to nine graduate level credits.

我已经获得了硕士学位. 我可以申请DAB课程吗?

是的. 欢迎持有其他领域硕士学位的学生. 你不需要提交GMAT或GRE考试成绩. Depending on your graduate coursework, you may be able to transfer up to nine credits.

我的本科学位不是商科. 我还能申请DAB课程吗?

是的. 的 DAB curriculum has a series of core courses to ensure all students have the foundation needed for successful 学位 completion.



  • 在线申请
  • 申请费
  • 当前的简历
  • 官方成绩单(s)
  • GMAT或GRE考试成绩
  • 个人论文


  • 每门课程成绩单评估(国际学生)
  • 托福或雅思成绩
  • 国际学生经济状况声明表


 季度/月开始  申请的最后期限
 秋天/ 9月  8月1日
 冬季1月/  11月1日
 春天到了/ 3月  2月1日
 夏天/ 6月  5月1日


(International applicants who do not need an F1 visa may ad在这里 to the above deadlines.)

 秋天/ 9月   6月1日
 冬季1月/  9月1日
 春天到了/ 3月  12月1日
 夏天/ 6月  不接受国际学生入学




你必须在网上申请 所有SPU研究生课程.

我参加了GRE考试考试. 你会接受GRE考试成绩而不是GMAT成绩吗?

是的. 网易彩票app同时接受GMAT和GRE考试成绩.




一旦您的应用程序文件完成, 录取决定会在7到10个工作日内发给你.


DAB课程在秋季,冬季,春季和夏季学期招收学生. 夏季学期不接受新的国际学生入学.

我被DAB项目录取了. 我可以推迟我的录取通知吗?

是的. 被录取的申请人如果希望推迟入学,可以申请延期. 在大多数情况下,延期不超过四个季度.

我被拒之门外. 我可以重新申请吗??

是的. 你可以在下一个季度重新申请这个项目. 如果你决定重考GMAT, GRE考试, 托福考试, 或雅思, 请将你的正式成绩提交给大学. If you complete any new coursework, please have your transcript submitted to the University. 您的申请将保存一年.


我是一名未来的国际学生. 我必须有多少资金才能获得I-20?

的 federal government requires international students to demonstrate sufficient funding for at least the first year of graduate study and living expenses. 作为录取过程的一部分:

  • 如果您是私人赞助的申请人, you will need to submit the Declaration of International Student Finance (DISF) form and all supporting documents. 网易彩票下载 can issue the visa eligibility document that you’ll need in order to have your student visa authorized. 
  • 如果你是政府资助的申请人, you will need to submit an original award letter (or a certified copy of an award letter). All financial documents must be written in English and valid as of the start date of your first quarter of enrollment. 

收到I-20的过程可能需要长达三个月的时间, 所以请遵守申请截止日期.

I am an international student who still needs to take the 托福考试 and GRE考试 or GMAT exams. 我可以申请有条件录取吗?

You may apply for conditional admission in order to apply for scholarships or government sponsorship. 你必须满足网易彩票app的学术和至少1年的工作经验要求, but may not yet meet our English proficiency requirements and/or the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE考试 (Graduate Record Examination) score requirement. 有条件录取 由申请日期起计一年内有效吗.

我是一名获得3年制学士学位的国际学生. 我可以申请你们的DAB项目吗?

A three-year bachelor’s 学位 from an international institution may or may not allow you to apply to our programs.  网易彩票app的硕士课程要求事先完成4年的美国大学课程.S. bachelor’s 学位 from a regionally-accredited institution—or an equivalent 学位 from another country.  Because higher education systems vary widely around the world and change over time, SPU requires students to have their academic credentials evaluated by a professional credential evaluator to determine comparability to a U.S. 学位.  有关批准的评估服务的信息是可用的 在这里. 评估应提交给研究生招生.

我对MS-DAB项目还有一些问题. 我可以参观SPU校园了解更多的商业研究生课程吗?

是的! 网易彩票app的教职员工可以与您单独会面. 请致电206-281-2753网易彩票app的研究生主任安排参观.



学费 is $815 per credit hour for the 2024–25 academic year; other required fees may also apply. DAB课程有46个学分.


没有奖学金. 除了学生贷款项目,学生还应该研究其他资源.