
参加后备役军官训练军团 programs are offered to SPU students via cross-town agreements with the 华盛顿大学.

网易彩票下载 accepts 20–24 quarter credits from an approved 参加后备役军官训练军团 program toward the 180 required to graduate — up to 3 credits each from the freshman and sophomore sequences, 从大三和大四的课程中各获得9个学分. 如果学生退出该项目,参加后备役军官训练军团的学分不适用于毕业. 完成后备军官训练团训练后, the student is responsible for requesting official transcripts for the SPU registrar’s office.


空军预备役军官训练团(AF参加后备役军官训练军团) 是通过与华盛顿大学的协议提供给SPU学生的. 所有课程都在华盛顿大学克拉克大厅120授课.

空军后备军官训练队计划旨在激励, 教育, 并委任高素质的学生在美国担任现役军官.S. 空军. The curriculum 开发s the 专业知识 in both theory and application that an 空军 officer needs to be an effective manager and leader in the aerospace environment.


The freshman- and sophomore-level classes (general military courses) are open to all students attending any two- or four-year college full time. 任何学生都可以报名参加这些课程. The junior- and senior-level classes (professional officer courses) are open to qualified students who have been competitively selected for entry.

For more information contact the unit admissions officer at 206-543-2360 or write 华盛顿大学, 航空航天研究系, 910年脱离, 华盛顿大学, 353830箱, 西雅图, WA 98195-3530. 你也可以参观 威斯康辛大学AF参加后备役军官训练军团.


一般军事基础课程为一学时, and approximately 2 hours of physical training and 2 hours of leadership laboratory per week during your freshman and sophomore years.

  • 你的制服和课本 提供.
  • 你可以在起点报名 秋天或冬天的季节.
  • 为期13天的实地培训课程, completed at Maxwell AFB in Alabama during the summer between your sophomore and junior years, 是修读专业人员课程所必需的. 

除了获得AF参加后备役军官训练军团奖学金的大二学员, 学生在GMC注册后不承担现役服务承诺, 学生可以在任何时候放弃课程. 


如果您被选中参加POC, you are enlisted in the 空军 Reserve and receive a tax-free monthly subsistence pay of $450 for juniors and $500 for seniors.

  • 你准备好了 文本和制服.
  • 你的初级和高级课程 包括三个小时的学术课程, and approximately 2 hours of physical training and 2 hours of leadership laboratory per week, 除了在军校的一个职位之外.


航空航天研究100 (1,1,1,1) Survey of 空军 life and 参加后备役军官训练军团 opportunities; U.S. 空军 mission and organization; functions of U.S. aerospace support forces; 军官/ professionalism and an introduction to communicative 技能.

航空航天研究200 (1,1,1) Examines factors contributing to the 开发ment of air power from its beginnings to the present and the evolution of air-power concepts and doctrine; history of air-power employment in military and nonmilitary operations in support of national objectives. 沟通能力评估.

AS 331航空航天研究300 (3) 强调基本的领导和管理基础, 专业知识, 以及空军军官必备的沟通技巧. 案例研究用于检查领导和管理情况. An additional leadership laboratory (mandatory for cadets but not special students) provides leadership experiences, 给学生应用所学原理的机会. 提供:非盟.

AS 332航空航天研究300 (3) 强调先进的领导和管理基础, 专业知识, 以及空军军官必备的沟通技巧. 案例研究用于检查领导和管理情况. An additional leadership laboratory (mandatory for cadets but not special students) provides leadership experiences, 给学生应用所学原理的机会. 提供:Wi.

AS 333航空航天研究300 (3) 强调领导伦理, 领导与管理基础, 专业知识, 以及空军军官必备的沟通技巧. 案例研究用于检查领导和管理情况. An additional leadership laboratory (mandatory for cadets but not special students) provides leadership experiences, 给学生应用所学原理的机会. 提供:Sp.

AS 431航空航天研究400 (3&S 国家安全需要, 美国国防战略的演变, 政策, and organization; methods for managing conflict, 联盟和地区安全来维护美国的利益. Arms control, terrorism, and current military issues; refinement of communicative 技能. 学员也需要一个一小时的领导力实验室,但特殊学生不需要. 提供:非盟.

AS 432航空航天研究400 (3&S World regional-studies emphasis; Europe, 东亚, 南亚, 拉丁美洲, 非洲, 中东, and Russia; political, 经济, 文化, 环境, and military elements of each region; impacts on world affairs and American interests; refinement of communicative 技能. 学员也需要一个一小时的领导力实验室,但特殊学生不需要. 提供:Wi.

AS 433航空航天研究400 (3&S 为在美国服役做准备.S. 空军. 军事作为一种职业, 军官, 军事司法系统, current military issues; 空军 policies, 程序, and regulations; refinement of communicative 技能. 学员也需要一个一小时的领导力实验室,但特殊学生不需要. 提供:Sp.


Once you have successfully completed the AF参加后备役军官训练军团 program and have received an academic degree from SPU, 你被任命为美国陆军少尉.S. 空军. 你至少要在军队服役四年, 这取决于你获得的空军专业代码/工作.


空军为至少达到2分的学生提供三年和四年的奖学金.5平均绩点. Students awarded scholarships from the 空军 参加后备役军官训练军团 Scholarship Board are eligible for a supplemental room grant. 利用这些奖学金, you should apply directly to AF参加后备役军官训练军团 UW (address noted under 一般课程要求, 上图).

除此之外,您还可以申请SPU 参加后备役军官训练军团学术成就奖.  考虑, you must be a recipient of a three or four-year scholarship from 军队 or 空军 参加后备役军官训练军团. 请联系 本科招生 欲知更多资料.


军队参加后备役军官训练军团 是通过与华盛顿大学的协议提供给SPU学生的. Classes are taught at on the 华盛顿大学’s 西雅图 Campus, Clark Hall, Room 316.

陆军后备军官训练队的计划是为了训练, 开发, 教育, and commission highly qualified students with character for active duty or the reserve component as officers in the U.S. 军队.


The freshman- and sophomore-level classes (basic military science courses) are open to all students attending any two- or four-year college full time. 任何学生都可以报名参加这些课程. The junior- and senior-level classes (advance military science courses) are open to qualified students who have been competitively selected for entry.


Students just taking the courses do not incur any military service obligation and may drop the courses at any time.

  • 每周两节课 (每节课每周上两次,每次50分钟.)
  • (可选)领导力发展培训 comprised of physical fitness training, leadership labs, and off-campus quarterly training exercise.
  • 你的制服和课本 提供.
  • 你可以进入 在每个季度开始时.


军事科学与领导力发展(3) 介绍挑战和有效领导的关键能力. Examines how critical thinking, goal setting, time management, and stress relate to leadership. 发展对领导力维度的认识和理解. 课程包括军队的历史和使命以及领导能力, 个人发展, 价值观和道德规范, 以及战术和技术的讨论. 提供:非盟.

军事科学与战术领导导论(3) 解决问题的领导基础概述, 倾听技巧, 简报, 提供反馈, 有效的写作. 探讨领导价值观的维度, 属性, 技能, 并在实际的背景下采取行动, 亲自动手的, 互动练习. 介绍有效的口头沟通. Develops 技能 in map reading, land navigation, and tactical maneuvering at team levels. 提供:Wi.

军事科学与应用基础领导导论(3) 网易彩票app领导力的最后一个入门系列. 运用领导基础,强调属性、技能和行动. 学生同时评估能力,考虑他们的个人领导能力. 课程将领导力应用到军事任务中,包括看地图、导航和战术. 提供:Sp.

MSCI 201,军事科学与创新团队领导(3) 探讨创新战术领导策略和风格的维度. 通过计划锻炼个人动力和团队建设, 准备, 进行小组练习. Develops knowledge of leadership values and 属性 through an understanding of 军队 leadership examples. 课程包括领导力, 个人发展, 价值观和道德规范, 军官, 战术和技术. 提供:非盟.

军事科学与战术领导基础(3) Explores creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and leadership theories. 探讨在复杂的当代环境中领导团队的挑战. 实践练习侧重于地形分析的维度, 巡逻, 操作订单, 文化意识. Lessons include fundamentals of leadership, 个人发展, 战术和技术. 提供:Wi.

军事科学与变革型领导(3) Continues study of the theoretical basis of 军队 leadership and framework and dynamics of transformational leadership in the context of military operations. Develops greater self-awareness by assessing leadership styles and practices oral and written communication 技能. 使应用和先进的战术领导研究取得进展. 提供:Sp.



  • 两年、三年和四年的奖学金 每年颁发奖学金以支付学费. 奖学金支付全额学费或10美元,每年的住房费用, 每季度提供400美元的图书津贴, 每月420美元的零用钱.
  • 每月420美元的津贴 给所有参加高级课程的非奖学金学员.

除此之外,您还可以申请SPU 参加后备役军官训练军团学术成就奖. 考虑, you must be a recipient of a three or four-year scholarship from 军队 or 空军 参加后备役军官训练军团. 请联系 本科招生 欲知更多资料.


即将在美国服役.S. 军队, you must graduate with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and have completed the military science curriculum, including successful completion of the four-week advanced camp during the summer prior to your senior year.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 网易彩票app的网站 或致电206-685-6236与项目顾问联系 armyrotc@uw.edu.


如果你被空军或陆军项目授予后备军官训练队奖学金, 你可能有资格获得SPU的参加后备役军官训练军团学术成就奖.

这个奖项, 哪一个包括食宿费用, is offered to qualified top scholars who also demonstrate commitment to the Christian ideals of 西雅图 Pacific, 包括参加当地教堂. 该奖项可连续四年续期.

